English in primary and pre-school education

You teach young children between 3 and 8 years old (even up to 9).

Therefore, you know, because you see it daily, the extraordinary potential children of this age have. They have ability to naturally and intuitively assimilate things, if conditions are optimal.

Depending on the country and the level, you are either asked to teach your pupils or to awaken their interest in English.

You are not always trained or supported in this process, and it is complicated to implement in your class. The development, missing material or occasionally the budget available to you impede this.

Time is often short, and English can come second to other subjects that may be considered more “important”.

Games, activities and a simple method to learn English
in primary and pre-school

Each week, new classes join the KOKORO lingua program.

SIMPLE: Everything is ready! Choose a time and watch the video via an internet link, 3 to 5 times a week. For the older children, teaching aids are also available that include printable activities.

FAST: Only 2 minutes to set up and present the theme for the week, and then it’s time for the 10-minute video.

EFFECTIVE: Evaluations have shown excellent results, both in memorisation and in the pleasure associated with learning.

A MOMENT OF PLEASURE: Without any constraints or expectations, this becomes a time to be shared with the pupils, as the testimonies show.

Photo taken in class – Mulhouse school. Photo credit: Alsace – Jean-François Frey

Free Trial Register my class

Learn English for free?

As you know, free is not always synonymous with quality and performance.

Peace of mind and quality have a price.

We have chosen to work with a team of professionals, experts in their field (teaching, English, Montessori approach, audio-visual). The videos follow a clearly defined pedagogical path and guarantee exposure to 500 of the most common words and sentences over 2 academic years.

On average, it costs 12€ per child per school year, and have been funded by the participating schools today: directly by the school; by a contribution requested from parents (less than 1.50€ per month); by the local authorities (town council, municipality); or by seeking sponsors.


Our objective: a budget should not be an obstacle to children’s exposure to languages from an early age! Is your budget a blocking point? Contact us to find a solution (pilot school, search for sponsors, etc.)

Contact us

Teachers and school directors give their opinion