Price per class regardless of the number of pupils.
KOKORO lingua is a group of native English-speaking children who showcase their language and their culture in ten-minute videos, in which they share their daily lives and games, following a specific educational path, as well as self-discovery. A new video can be found every week on the KOKORO lingua platform. To ensure the best results, we recommend that every pupil watch each video between 3 and 5 times.
Main themes: numbers, days of the week, colours, likes and dislikes, animals, etc.
KOKORO lingua is a turnkey solution for early years and primary schools. KOKORO lingua provides pedagogical materials as well a day-to-day handholding support for those who need it. Just ask!
The approach is based on solidarity: for each subscription, a subscription is given to a school in need.
KOKORO lingua is an innovative learning program for 3-8-year olds, Gold medal winner at the 2018 Lépine International Competition in Paris!
KOKORO lingua is a registered trademark (C)
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