The French program for 3-8 years old children
developed by a team of experts in linguistics, neuroscience and Montessori
A unique teaching method ©

Pedagogical videos
My name is, Numbers, Colors, Breakfast, I like, Good night, Emotions, Happy Birthday, In the Kitchen, At school.

My KOKORO Friends
Give the opportunity to your children
to start learning French from the earliest age
How does it work?
A new innovative routine to learn a language in an implicit and funny way
- You will watch one video per week of about 10 minutes through our secure platform.
- Every video should be watched 3 times, this is important for a correct assimilation of the vocabulary and the accent!
- Every session will include some games to be done together to assimilate the concepts learned while having fun.
- All the videos will start with some movements in order to help the child to focus.
- In one year, the child will learn 250 words and expressions in French with a perfect accent, thanks to the young, native French teachers.

KOKORO lingua is for all the 3-8 years old children who don’t know French or just have some notions even if come older children are currently follow our program with the KOKORO Kids!
It’s not necessary for the children to be able to read or talk fluently in their mothertongue to start our program. Children have the ability to learn foreign language easily at that age and they will understand the differences thanks to the KOKORO Kids!
If your children is already learning French at school, it is not a problem! This program will reinforce his self confidence and learn the correct accent.
If you have children of different ages, suggest them to watch the videos togheter with the KOKORO Kids. They will interact and have more fun!
KOKORO lingua proposes to 3-8 years old children an innovative language teaching method, founded on the emotions. The program, was studied over months by a linguist, neuroscientifics and Montessori experts, follows the precise and structured pedagogical path Cambridge First. Every week, a new video will be available in our secure system and we suggest the children to watch it at least 3 times par week in order to assimilate the vocabulary and the accent in the best way possible.
It is proved that after using KOKORO lingua for 12 months, children have learnt 250 words and expressions in French. It works only if the learning process is done with fun and joy, without any pressure.
Our innovative method was rewarded many times: Gold Medalist in 2018 at the Lépine International Paris Contest, supported by the French Education Minister JM. Blanquer and finalist in 2019 and 2020 at the BETT international awards in London alongside Lego and Microsoft.
Every video starts with some mouvements: some breath exercises in order to get the focus easily.
Then the KOKORO Kids present some new vocabulary, interact and play together talking about different topics. There are no translations and there are not necessary because the learning process is done by imitation in and implicit and emotional way thanks to the KOKORO Kids.
Children are invited to repeat the words many times. You can encourage them but never force them to repeat.
All the videos end with a short relaxing moment.
After every video, KOKORO lingua sessions end by same games suggestion to be done all together in the family, with friends or at school… These games are useful to assimilate the vocabulary and the accent while having fun.
The KOKORO Kids are the young children “actors” and everyone is French native speaker. They come from different countries like: France, Switzerland, Canada..
Every week you will have access to a new video for a total of 25 videos. Since you subscribe for a 12 months access, the videos will be available for that time and you could see the one you prefer at any time. It is important to follow the children rhythm.
Our pedagocial approach was elaborated with a multi disciplinary experts team made up also by Montessori educators. There is no pressure, the child will learn with his own rhythm.
The learning process is complet by the mouvements. KOKORO lingua support the neuroscientific discoveries which show that the emotion and the intuition are two key factors to memorize the vocabulary of a new language.
Screens must be used carefully and for shorts moments.
Experts suggest to avoid screen before 3 years old and limit them between 3 and 8 years old. The videos by the KOKORO Kids are never passive. Children are active and will move while imitating the KOKORO Kids.
Some children immediately like and get in to this program and with the KOKORO Kids. Some others need few episodes to be familiar. If after 4 weeks your son doesn’t feel comfortable with this program we will refund you without any problem. In this case, please send an email to
If after 4 weeks you are not satisfied with our program, you can ask us a refund. In this case, please send an email to by justifiying the reasons why you are not happy with us.
Of course! A lot of schools already use KOKORO lingua in their classes. There is a dedicated subscription for that. You will find all the informations here:

Nathalie, founder of KOKORO lingua with some KOKORO Kids and Thomas, the cameraman ?
Giving your child a new language is giving him a gift for life ❤️
The “1 Year” program is made up by:
✅ 25 videos to learn simple French words and expressions
✅ Games to practice French with your family and friends
✅ 12 months access subscription
Give the opportunity to your children
to start learning French from the earliest age
Our commitment:” For every subscription, we will offer another one for free to a family or school in need. Learning must not be a barrier!”
Nathalie Lesselin, founder of KOKORO lingua
Sienna Cooper (verified owner) –
My 6 year old daughter loves KOKORO. She would like to talk like her friends (the little teachers). She told me: You’ll see, Mom, people will think I’ve been speaking French forever. She is making me laugh, but she can already pronounce a lot of words with a good French accent. Thank you KOKORO for making her love a new language!
Steeve Johnson (verified owner) –
I subscribed my kids one week ago and they can already introduce themselves, count and say all the colours in French with a great accent! This peer to peer program is fantastic! Looking forward to discover new videos!